I teach, coach, and mentor an adaptive, value-driven, and values-based approach to product, people, and personal leadership.
Lots of words - but what does it mean?
#Adaptive - Using the pillars of empiricism - transparency, inspection, and adaptation to discover and deliver what is valuable.
#valuedriven - A focus on a Win-6™ strategy for creating value that optimizes for all stakeholder groups - customers, employees, investors, suppliers, community, and the environment.
#valuesbased - Led by purpose and the values an individual or organization espouses.
🤔 Sometimes the purpose and values of an individual or organization are in conflict with our current (linear) economic model.
🫶 So, here is another model for your consideration.
It is one that captures my curiosity and attention.
The circular economy is based on three principles, driven by design:
1️⃣ Eliminate waste and pollution
2️⃣ Circulate products and materials (at their highest value)
3️⃣ Regenerate nature
🫣 In contrast to taking materials from the Earth, making products from them, and eventually throwing them away as waste.
💫 The circular economy is about minimizing waste in the first place.
I think it is a pretty compelling and purposeful value proposition.
Curious to learn more: